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Meet Your Guide and Success Coach, Toni Coleman Brown

If you're anything like most entrepreneurs that I've had the pleasure of working with, you probably have a few blind spots. These are the problems and issues going on in your business that you cannot see.  That’s why they’re called blind spots.  I often also call it being in a state of unconscious incompetence.  It’s when you don’t know that you don’t know.  The good news is that you can easily overcome this problem with the proper guide to help you.

In the past, I have helped companies like Double Day Direct generate millions of dollars in sales as a Marketing Director.  I have also built sales teams of thousands of representatives and have generated millions in sales from a home-based business.  I have a B.B.A. in Finance from Howard University and an M.A. from the City University of New York.  I am also a Certified Life Coach and I am definitely qualified to help YOU! My FORMULA for success allows you to get your business back on track and generating sales.

My success formula is simple and one that I know you can follow.  Plus you will have me guide you through the process step by step along the way. Don't wait! Membership will only remain open until March 13th.  Join now to avoid missing out and get your business ready for 2020!

How We Can Help You Grow Your Business

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Each month you will received a business growth educational kit on a topic that will help you grow. This could be an e-book to a full blown mini-course or downloadable templates that you can use right away.

Here is an example of the type of courses and masterclasses we offer:

Meet Some of Our Past Expert Trainers


Lorrie Ayers-Hutchinson

Wow! I was able to immediately utilize this content with my team.  The members area is so rich and the set up is amazing.


Before training with Mrs. Brown I had zero emails from my Facebook and Twitter accounts.  Now 3 weeks later and I have 75 emails and growing and I am getting inquiries about my greeting card business.

Trace Cole

Before I thought it would be difficult to build a lead capture page, but after training with Toni I built mutiple pages and created my first FB ad.

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