3-Part Training Series Presented By toni coleman brown

how to turn your expertise into a digital product!


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What You'll Learn In This Training Series

How to discover your true expertise and turn your knowledge into a money-making business
If you're the type of person who loves many things, you will learn how to narrow that down and stick to one thing
You will also learn how to package your intellectual knowledge into a product or service
Discover how to overcome imposter syndrome so you can market and promote your product with confidence
Where to market and promote your product or service so that you can make money fast
Why age doesn't matter when create a product from your knowledge.  As a matter of fact, the more seasoned you are the better
How you can turn your values into a vocation and your skills into dollar bills
Discover why it's never too late to convert your knowledge into a viable business.
Learn why and how this can work for anyone and everyone
Discover why you don't need to "have it all together" to make money and grow
Learn how to start where you are and grow and scale

Don't Settle for a Paycheck When You Really Want A Life

This 3-Part Training Series is for you if you're tired of crazy office politics and you want to live out your passion doing your own thing.  This training series is also for you if you know you have a great idea or knowledge that you can turn into a product or a service, but you don't know what to do first as it relates to getting started.

It's time to discover your passion and live the life you've always imagined and that's exactly what you will learn how to do in this 3-part training series.  Make sure to register.  You will be notified as soon as each training video releases. 

3 - Part Training Series

In this 3-part training series you will discover how to turn your expertise into a viable business so you can generate cash FAST!

Available NOW!

Discover Your Money-Making Expertise

Available NOW!

How to Package Your Expert Knowledge

Available NOW!

Promoting Your New Product or Service

About Your Guide
(Toni Coleman Brown)

As the founder and creator of the Network for Women in Business I have had the privilege of training and coaching thousands of entrepreneurs.  One of the things that my clients love about me is the way my brain works as it relates to teaching them how to monetize their expertise.  I also teach them how to package and position their knowledge as a product or service so that they can make money.  I've been monetizing my expertise for years and now I want to teach you how to effectively turn your expertise into a viable business.  Make sure to register today for the training.  You won't regret that you did.

Are you ready to profit from your passion?

Make sure to sign up for the 3-Part Training Series Today

Copyright 2020 © Toni Coleman Brown & The Network for Women in Business. All Rights Reserved. 

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