The Network for Women in Business offers several opportunities to reach women business owners. For the most exposure we recommend Banner/Display Ads. We have opportunities available through out the site.

Here is what you should know:

  • We are quickly becoming the #1 leading website and resource for Women Business Owners online.
  • The word is getting out.  This is year 3 and folks are coming to our site on a regular basis.  All Ads are also promoted on our FB page which now has over 27,000 fans.
  • Classified ads are also promoted in the Social Network for Women in Biz, our new private social community.
Classifieds and Biz Opp Advertising Opportunities

Text Ads are a great way to get your business in front of our online audience. Banner/Ads are the best way to get the most exposure for your brand. Several opportunities are available for detailed rates please contact or call 646-421-0830.

Ad Type
Premium Ad – 1 month package
2 month package
3 month package
Front Page Display Ad 250 x 250
Newsletter Ad (Text) – Classified Section
Business Directory Listing – W.E. Connect App

Contact us for rates.  Email