I am pleased to announce the Online Marketing Mastermind Live 2-Day event. This event will take place on Oct. 1st and 2nd of this year and will be hosted at the Radisson Hotel in New Rochelle, NY in the Board Room. This will be a small mastermind event and only 5 seats remain available. ===>>www.onlinemarketingmastermindlive.com
This event is for the individual who has been struggling to make sense of marketing on the internet. Attendees are required to bring their laptops and should come prepared to work. Over the 2 days participants should expect to complete their online sales funnel. This will consist of creating your first lead magnet, lead capture page, tripwire, core offer and email marketing series.
Learn how to generate leads and convert them
You can expect to discover the importance of creating the right core offer for your target audience and how to peel the onion back on that core offer in a way that will allow you to create multiple tripwire offers and lead magnets. You will then discover how to test these tripwire offers and lead magnets to find out which ones you should continue to use. You will not only generate leads but you will also discover how to convert them into sales, because at the end of the day, if it doesn’t make dollars it simply doesn’t make sense.
I’m so tired of seeing people struggle to market online. Some people believe they can simply post on Facebook and generate sales. This is so wrong! Some people believe they can run an ad and send traffic to their product or site and this will generate sales. Well…it might, but it’s just not as powerful as establishing a sales funnel and sorting through people to find out who’s serious and who’s not. This is why I am hosting the Online Marketing Mastermind Live 2-Day event (Toni Coleman Brown). You can find more information about online marketing here
With only 5 seats remaining anyone interested in participating should act now and act fast. These seats will not last long. Take advantage now. Discover more about this event at http://www.onlinemarketingmastermindlive.com/
We hope to see you there.
Toni Coleman Brown (Founder) of the Network for Women in Business and (Creator/Host) of the Online Marketing Mastermind Live event.