In this case study you will learn how to increase your views and traffic on Pinterest.  You will also learn how I went from zero to over 10K views and what it did to my traffic.

Why Pinterest?

I decided that going forward there are only two places that I want to spend the majority of my time on social and those two places are Pinterest and Youtube.  Why? Because when it comes to Pinterest and Youtube both sites are also search engines and because of this they’re more of a long term strategy.  Posting on sites where your post will only stay in the feed for a few seconds and get lost is just not worth it.  Ever wonder why you miss so many events and announcements from your friends?  Well, this is the reason. 

People go to Pinterest the same way they go to Amazon.  They’re specifically looking for something.  And maybe they’re not ready to buy not, but they will “save Pins” for later.  This makes Pinterest special.  Plus people are getting tons of traffic and sales from Pinterest but they’re just not talking about it.

What I did and what you can do to increase your views and traffic on Pinterest…

  1.  I cleaned up my boards.  I’m still working on that so don’t judge me.  Cleaning up my boards meant adding covers, optimizing each pin for search and adding more boards that were relevant so I could post to multiple boards.
  2. I created “Money Pins”.  Years ago I created a Pinterest course and I coined the term back then called a money pin. A “money pin” is a pin that not only drives traffic to your site (or gets the most clicks), but it also coverts and generates sales. You see most people are making money and driving traffic to their websites from one pin.  I know you probably can’t believe it, but it’s true.  You can do things like change the pin image and make it look like a different pin to post it across other boards.  Also, with Pinterest you can post the same pin multiple times each week. My money pins go to my products, lead magnets and affiliate programs
  3. I began to use the Tailwind App
  4. I joined Tribes in Tailwind.  Tribes can help you get your pins shared by others
  5. I created Board List in Tailwinds to Make it Easier

Tips for Growing Fast

  1. Pin and Pin Often
  2. Remain Consistent
  3. Share Pins of Others to Build Community
  4. Re-Share Your Money Pins Weekly or Daily Across Other Boards
  5. Create 50 or more Boards.  Make Sure They’re Related So You Can Daily Share Your “Money Pins”
  6. Optimize your posts for search
  7. Include relevant Hashtags
  8. Make sure to incorporate your URL
  9. Create Nice Pinterest-friendly images using Canva or PicMonkey
  10. Create shareable content with High Emotional Value Headlines

Click here to read my Tailwind App Review.

Have a Growth & Sales Strategy

Before you begin to use Pinterest create your strategy.  If you have a blog, you probably already have a ton of content that you could use on Pinterest.  Just create some Pins of your old content.  Or refresh your old content by updating your post and changing its date.

Think and plan before you launch and just start pinning like a fool with no where to go. Every website visitor should follow a path with a clear message.  Otherwise, your Pinterest visitors will get to your site, look around fast and leave.  This is not good.

Think about this…especially if you enjoy working with multiple niches. Send your people to a landing page that has no other links to your website, other than links to similar content.  This will decrease your bounce rates and keep your visitors on your page longer.

Also, if you have a ton of posts with nice images on Instagram, consider Pinning these posts. No need to re-invent the wheel.

My 30 Day Results

All my efforts took me from 0 to over 10K views.  But views mean nothing if there is no traffic.

(Note:  Here is an update of my results):

Well, my traffic from Pinterest became No. 1 even over Facebook which is where I get most of my traffic.  My Pinterest traffic has become almost 40% of my traffic sources.  My sales have increased as well.  I’m excited about the potential.










These results are promising. But I need to be more focused with my efforts.  I have discovered a HOT! HOT! HOT! Niche and I am working feverishly to develop it out.  I look forward to explaining more of my results a year from now.  I’ve joined Share-a-Sale and have gotten accepted into a few affiliate programs and I’ve even gotten almost 40 clicks in one day to my Amazon Affiliate account.   Like I said, the results are promising.

Would you like to stay informed of my results? Complete the form below to get the latest updates.  Also if you have any additional questions please leave them in the comments section and I will answer them.

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