Training, Connecting and Advancing Women in Business

Helping entrepreneurs to uplevel their marketing game both online and offline

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training connecting advancing We believe that TRAINING is the key to success for most women in business.  However, most entrepreneurs do not take the time out to get the training that they need to take their businesses to the next level. The Network for Women in Business was designed to help business owners by providing them with the most up-to-date and cutting-edge training in  internet & social media marketing.

Everything is moving towards eCommerce and sCommerce.  Even holiday sales are being captured more online than offline.  For the first time in the history of book sales, more books were sold online as ebooks than they were as traditional books.  Therefore it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that small business owners MUST transfer their band online and WE HELP SMALL BUSINESSES to do that and more.  And the best part of it is that it doesn’t matter if you’re a solo-preneur or an entrepreneur running a multi-million dollar company with hundreds of employees or a home-based business owner, we have something for you.

We’re the premiere site for training women in business how to succeed in marketing their businesses online.  While we train in other aspects of business from getting started to writing business plans; our primary goal is to help entrepreneurs to develop online marketing & social media strategies that are easy to implement. Not only is our mission to train, but our goal is also to CONNECT other business owners with their potential customers and clients.

The Network is the place where you will come back to over and over again to remain connected with other like-minded individuals.  Social media means everything for the Network because when we launched our Facebook page on December 15, 2011, we had no idea that by the 28th of the same month that we would have over 2,000 Fans!  As of May 2015, we have over 26,000 Facebook Fans, and a Facebook Group of over 3,000 active participants.  which should easily translate into a very active membership base. Membership in this Network will allow small business owners the ability grow and ADVANCE.   You will do this because by being a member of the Network of Women in Business you will be able to increase your production and sales as a direct result of taking advantage of our training.  You will be able to see a measurable difference in your bottom line.  You will be able to say…”Before I was on the Network my business was _____ and after joining the Network my business has increased by ____as a result of being on the Network.”  Or as Kendra Gainey of Gainey Girl Boutique has said “She is still getting paid dividends from attending one of our Boot Camp events from last year.”

Now that you know our mission; it’s time to get to know our vision, which is simple.  Our vision is the created the largest female network that celebrates supports female owned businesses all round the world.  Yes!  We will impact millions.[/text_block]


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