Personal Growth & Development Training

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7 Proven Methods to Overcome Procrastination

Believe it or not but if you are procrastinating about writing a book or creating a product, or even getting started on your business plan, it’s costing you serious money.  In this webinar you will discover how to overcome procrastination now.  Click here to watch.

Get Focused Audio Program

Do you struggle to get things done? In this audio program you will learn how to increase your productivity and accomplish more than you ever imagined.  Click here to listen.

Defy The Impossible

This training webinar raised the bar for all others to follow. Dr. Venus Opal Reese will wow you with story of how she went from the streets of Baltimore to Standford University. She holds nothing back as she shares her methods for Defying the Impossible and shows how you too can beat all odds and WIN!.  Click here to watch.

How to Get the Superwoman Lifestyle

In this power-packed teleseminar Vicki Irvin demonstrates how to live the Superwoman Lifestyle. She explains how you can do it all and have it all. Learn the key to getting everything you want in this training.  Click here to listen.