Now is the time to pick up the low hanging fruit and snag as many leads as possible from Facebook by using the Call to Action button that is strategically located directly below your Facbook Timeline Cover. Small business owners must learn how to Facebook Call to Action Button their best friend and should include it as a part of your overall marketing strategy. However, it should be used in conjunction with your Timeline Cover. Look at the picture below to see how I effectively use our Facebook Timeline Cover to effectively promote the Facebook Call to Action button:
As you can clearly see from the picture above, I use the timeline cover to promote the call to action button. This is something that everyone should be doing. What’s really cool is the fact that there are so many things that you can promote. If you’re a coach, dentist, or doctor and you’re booking appointments, you can use the book now option. If you own a app, you can use the download app option. There are 11 options that you use. See below for all of the different options:
If you were a jewelry company and had new pieces or a new line launching, you can create a timeline cover or a host of different timeline covers and use the cover to point to the “shop now” call to action button. As you can see the possibilities are endless.
Use the Call to Action Button as a part of your Advertising Strategy
When most small business owners think about advertising, the last thing they think about is using their Facebook Timeline Cover and CTA button as a part of their strategy. However, they’re really missing the boat. And for a lot of good reasons. For one, whenever you change your timeline cover or profile picture, for some reason Facebook seems to view this as a major event and it is one thing that will sneak into the newsfeed of your fans. So if you change your timeline cover often, you are using a newsfeed algorithm hack to get you more visibility without having to pay for it. Anytime you don’t have to pay to play on Facebook is time well spent.
If you want to learn more about strategies like this one, download my FREE report, “50 Ways to Market and Promote Your Business” today.