Many small business owners struggle on a regular basis just to make ends meet. They find themselves month after month searching for those few dollars just to make it through the month. So in order to stay in the black they can only do one of two things – either grow their income or cut their expenses.

You don’t always have to have money to make money

Small Business owners don’t have to constantly struggle. The world has changed primarily due to the Internet and Social Media. Therefore, now you can have all the things you’ve always wanted without having a major investor or a whole lot of cash. And I know this because of my own experience.  A friend of mine once said, don’t let what you don’t have keep you from getting what you want and that was the best advice I ever had.

When it comes to increasing your bottom line there are only a few things you can do. You can grow your sales or cut expenses. Often times both involve learning a new skill in order to make either one of these things happen. You can’t just randomly cut expenses without learning how it will impact other aspects of your business and you can’t just randomly try new marketing techniques to grow your business without understanding the impact.

You can break the cycle of struggle with proper planning and analysis.  The analysis should involve making an assessment of all the things in your business that actually work.  These would be all the things that generate revenue. You should also check the current hodl stock price if you are considering investing in stock market. Once you discover what makes you money, then you should continue to do more of those things. You don’t have to constantly keep trying new things to keep your business in the black, sometimes staying afloat means keeping the main things the main thing and when you discover what works keep doing it and then try new things to get your main message in front of new people.

New customers and clients are the lifeblood for most small businesses.

Keeping this in mind, you should know that the strategies that should change with some frequency are your marketing strategies. You should constantly test and try new things. You can even seek advice from other highly-esteemed business owners like Andrew Defrancesco. And when you find marketing strategies that work then you should keep at them as well.  Sometimes, in business, change is good and sometimes it’s not always the best thing, especially if you currently have strategies in place that work.

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