Now that we’re in the midst of a pandemic shut down, many folks are looking for legitimate work from home jobs and are always on the lookout for job search sites and Temporary Job Service. In the past few weeks more than 10 million people have filed for unemployment. These people will be on the hunt for work from home opportunities. That’s the good news for the work at home industry.

This article seeks to reveal true opportunities that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Legitimate Work From Home Jobs – Selling Other People’s Stuff

work from home

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money fast.  By selling Other People’s Products or Other People’s Services you remove all of the headaches from the process of having to create products on your own.

Now the question becomes, “What should you sell? You should sell products that complement what you do. For example: If you’re a cooking blogger, you could sell cookware from Amazon. You can find products to sell on the following sites:

Always remember to do your research.

Join a Network Marketing or MLM Company

There are lots of benefits of joining a network marketing company.  For one thing you don’t have to create any of the products or build the infrastructure.  Also, it’s usually pretty inexpensive to join and you can build passive residual income.  There is one Network Marketing company that I particularly recommend that you join and that company is called Youngevity Life Sciences.  There is a specific reason that I recommend Youngevity.  First and foremost it is because I really trust Dr. Wallach.  He is the truth.  He is the author of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie and he knows his craft.  I believe that Youngevity is going to be the network marketing company to watch, one because it is a health and wellness company that has the potential to be in the forefront of this coronavirus.

Work From Home Jobs as a Creative

Create and Sell An E-book

This is your intellectual property. Creating an e-book can be done in an hour with the right tools. You mostly need a good iPhone and your mouth.

Create a good title for your e-book. Your topic can  simply be some of the hot questions that you always receive from your customers.  Or you can make it about your best  expert tips. Once you figure out what you want to write about, speak it into your iPhone (in the notes section) and  it will transcribe it  for you. Then email it to yourself.  Copy and paste the info into Word and then viola! You will have your first e-book.

This is quick, easy and simple. Then you can immediately begin to sell your e-book. You can even sell it on those affiliate sites listed in the first strategy and make even  more money!

Create and Sell An Audio Program

Hate writing? You can use the same strategy from Step 2 and create an audio program of your knowledge and expertise. If you combine strategies 2 &  3,  you can offer the audio program and e-book together as a package deal and sell it at a higher price.

You’re an expert. Don’t sit on your expertise. Cash out on it instead.  If you want to learn more about how to turn your knowledge into a viable business, check out my 3-Part Training series by clicking here.

Become a Graphic Designer

If you’re a creative person and you love doing things like creating flyers and postcards and apps like Canva and Adobe have become your best friend, then a career in graphic design might just be for you.  There are so many aspects of graphic design.  If you’re just starting out my suggestion is to pick a lane.  If flyers is it, then do flyers.

You can become a designer for bloggers who need graphic elements for their blogs.  Or you can become a social media graphic designer and create elements for social media sites.

Can you earn good income as a graphic designer?

The answer to that question is Yes.  You can earn anywhere from $15-30 per hour.  You can also create monthly creative graphic design packages that could significantly increase your income.

What type of person should consider a career in graphic design?

If you’re the type of person that is creative and visual, then you might want to consider it as an option. You can consider taking a class that could help you on Udemy or Teachable.  A good crash course could help to jumpstart your career in this field.

How should you go about getting started?  

I would consider reaching out to small businesses, solo-preneurs, influencers and bloggers or anyone who might be looking to enhance their image on social media.  But make sure you know your stuff before stepping out there or making promises to do work that you’re not equipped to do.  This is the fastest way to get kicked out the industry for having bad reviews.

Doing GIG Work From Home


With so many websites like FIVERR, UPWORK and GURU, the world of gig jobs have exploded.  It is easier now more than ever to pick up a gig job.  The most important thing is to know what your gifts are and how you want to use them.

Some examples are:

  1. SOCIAL MEDIA ASSISTANT – Help struggling entrepreneurs by taking over their social media posting and marketing.
  2. LOVE WEDDINGS – Consider becoming a wedding officiant.
  3. WRITING IS YOUR THING – Become a professional blogger or article writer.
  4. WEBSITE BUILDER – If you know how to create websites. Why not build them for others.
  5. GOOD AT ENGLISH – Start a professional editing service.

A new freelancing website that has arisen on the scene is Airtasker.  They currently have thousands of people looking for freelance writers and all sorts of other jobs.

Airtasker is one of the best freelancer websites and trusted community platform that connects people who need to outsource tasks and find local services, with people who are looking to earn money and ready to work.

There are a range of tasks available on Airtasker from tasks around the home like deliveries, office cleaning, gardening and handyman work to tasks for businesses like office admin, promotional work or computer, IT support that provides professional services like a computer repair & you can’t forget about data protection services to keep all of your information safe. There also a range of creative tasks like photography, graphic design and website & blog support which can help you earn money online. All you have to make sure is to get a proper Fibre Optic Cabling Installation so you are sure that you never have any problems with the internet and you can always be available when needed.

Earn up to $5,000 per month completing tasks.
With thousands of tasks posted every month on Airtasker there are lots of opportunities to earn. Choose the tasks you’d like to complete for people that you’re happy to work with. You’re in control of your own schedule and creating your flexible work-life balance.

Airtasker only supports online payments through our secure program, Airtasker Pay. This safe way to pay lets you use Visa or Mastercard credit/debit cards to pay for your tasks.

Go online or download the app.

Consider Working from Home as a Teacher

The online teaching space is exploding right now. Because of this there are so many new options for those with a passion for education.  Some options for teaching are:

  1. LOVE TO BAKE – Host baking classes online teaching others how to bake live.
  2. NETWORK MARKETING EXPERT – Teach others how to build their home-based business.
  3. FINANCIAL WIZ – Teach budgeting skills to individuals and groups.
  4. KNOW HOW TO PLAY AN INSTRUMENT – Create a course teaching others how to do the same.
  5. HR RECRUITER – Consider teaching others how to land the job.
  6. GOOD AT MATH – Become a professional math tutor.
  7. MAKE-UP EXPERT – Create instructional course for
  8. ONLINE MARKETER – Teach others your best tips in a course.

There are lots of new websites that will allow you to house your teachings, one of those sites is  Other sites that can host your teachings are Kartra and Kajabi.  You can try Kartra for 14 days at no cost by clicking here.

Sell Items on Ebay and other apps from Home

Okay…listen up.  If you want to bootstrap your new venture without having to take out a loan or do a GoFundMe page, then clean up your house and find those items that are in mint condition that you can sell on eBay.

People are still buying stuff off of ebay and it is a great way to generate cash for your business. Don’t forget that the cash you generate  becomes a capital donation to your business for tax purposes.

Ebay has items listed on the site for reasonable prices.  You’ve heard the saying that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and that is definitely the case with this site.

How much can you make on Ebay?

Well, you don’t earn an hourly rate like you may on a regular job.  Nor can you create a proposal for a gig.  Your pay is a direct correlation to the number of items that you sell.  And your profit is based upon the price you sold the item for less what you paid for that particular item.

Believe it or not there are some people that earn 6-figures a year selling items on eBay.

Who would be good at selling items on eBay and other apps?

Ebay is great for bargain hunters and negotiators.  A lof of ebay sellers find items in old storage facilities where the person has stopped paying.  They will generally go through these storage items and try to find things that will sell.  Some folks find great items to sell on eBay at garage sales or thrift shops. You may also try to Backflip and find out how much your things are worth and get paid today.

How to get started reselling unwanted items online

While there are lots of courses that teach you how to sell one ebay.  One great place you can go to and learn is via a course from Flea Market Flipper.  There website is fully dedicated to those interested in buying and selling.

Work Remotely for Amazon…

In this current environment it seems as if Amazon is the only company that’s hiring.  But do they actually have real work from home opportunities?  Yes.  They do.  Amazon has opportunities available remotely in:

  • Customer service
  • Information security

Can you make good money working for Amazon?

The pay varies.  Amazon is currently hiring for hourly and salaried positions.  To visit and learn more about their virtually located positions you can simply click here: 

Get Paid to Take Surveys?

Is it true?  Can you really get paid to take surveys online? Well, the short answer is YES. You absolutely can. Make no mistake about it, you will not get rich by doing this, but you can bring in some extra dough and at the end of the day, every little bit counts.

So how much can you actually make taking surveys?

Like we said before, not a lot.  But you can estimate that you can make an estimated extra $100 dollars a month.

How you can get started?

There are some websites where you can get started that are legitimate and here are a few:

Become a Call Center Rep

A lot of call centers are outsourced to individuals who work from home.  There is one company that allows you to join their team and it is called LiveOps.  You can join the LiveOps team by clicking here: 

What LiveOps does is connect talented customer service and sales professionals to companies that offer flexible, remote work. Match your skills to these opportunities, when and where fits your life best. LiveOps works with companies in the insurance that include employee benefits, healthcare or health insurance, travel industries and more.

The company offers hourly pay rates which usually equates to about $15/hour.

Create a Social Media Marketing Agency

This is a great time to start a social media marketing agency so that you can manage the social media accounts for various different businesses.  There are lots of organizations that offer courses that will teach you how to conduct a social media audit, how to create and social media content calendar and so much more.

There are also various certifications that you can get in this area.  One is from Ryan Dies Digital Marketer is a great place to start.

Major Benefits of Working From Home

As the world moves towards a more Gig economy, many are finding major benefits of working from home.  Most people are attracted to the idea of not having to commute, the ability to create and have flexible schedules, and let’s not forget the money that you can save from not having to buy lunch.

While all of that is great, there are also disadvantages to working from home.  Some of those are the fact that you can get easily distracted, which is why you must have a lot of discipline in order to work effectively.  Also, you can feel like you’re always working when there are no clear boundaries set.

Effective Work from Home Practices

Effective work at home strategies would include:

  • Having set hours that you adhere to.
  • Having a designated work space that is separate from the rest of your household could help.
  • Keeping an effective routine that involves getting up, showering and getting dressed, etc.

Don’t forget that

At the end of the day having boundaries is key to being effective in any work from home situation.  Once you get in a groove, working from home can be a viable option for many.

Do you work from home?  Please leave a comment below to share your experience.


    2 replies to "Legitimate Work From Home Jobs"

    • Janice

      Good morning Toni:

      Pray this message reach you and your family is well it has been a long time. I see your still doing your thing. Keep on pushing

      • Toni Coleman Brown

        Hey Lady! Yes. It’s been a long time. We are all well Thank God! I pray the same for you and yours. I will definitely keep going. Quitting is never an option. You know that.

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