Let me explain to you how I use Facebook for business.  I see so many people who use the social media site in the wrong way.  What I would like to do right now is show you how to use it the right way.  Yes, we all know that Facebook is one of the top social media sites.  Even with Instagram gaining in popularity, Facebook is still the place you want to be for business.  But there are some things about the site that you must remember.

First, the primary reason why people are on Facebook is to connect with others.  It’s NOT to be sold to.  That’s not to say that people on FB don’t buy stuff  because they absolutely will buy or even more importantly they will sign up to your list.  But you have to keep in mind that this is not the main reason why they’re on the site.

Secondly, and this is a biggie… People will LIKE your page because they’re interested in the TOPIC of the page or because it stands for something important in their lives.  If the page represents their PASSION, then they will wear their LIKE as if it were a badge of honor.  So think about what people are PASSIONATE about (e.g. fitness, coffee, pets, etc).  So here is a hint – design your pages based on TOPICS THAT PEOPLE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT.  And remember, because people like fan pages based on their passion, don’t beat them to death with promotions, because that’s not the main reason why they LIKED the page in the first place.

Third, well, if you don’t already know Facebook is not a promotional platform, but it can be effectively used for business if done right.

Facebook for Business Done Right

People often ask me, should I have a Facebook Fan Page or a Regular Profile?  Well, my answer is you should not only have both, but you should have multiple Fan Pages and Private VIP Groups (especially if you do group coaching or if you’re building a tribe).   You should use your personal profile to connect with family and friends and you should use fan pages to build your TARGETED audience.  I am putting an emphasis on targeted because before you build a fan page you need to know who your ideal customer is.  Okay, let me be totally clear.  You can have the best looking fan page ever created, but if you don’t know who you’re targeting then you are going to FAIL miserably at  Facebook marketing.  I hate to be so frank, but this is just a fact.

The main reason why Facebook marketing is so popular is because marketers have discovered the fact that they can drill down to find their targeted audience better on Facebook than on any other social media platform.  Anytime you can drill down to a person’s interest, it opens the door to the fact that  you now have not only the ability to learn a prospects  person’s demographic data, but you also have the ability to learn their psycho-graphic data, which represents one of the deepest levels of consumer behavior and offers the highest level of predictability as to whether not a person will buy or not buy.

So, when using Facebook for business it is important to build your fan pages in such a way that it is clear who you are and what you represent.  The enthusiast that you’re looking to attract will gladly like you and once you begin to feed them with the type of information that they desire, they won’t mind you asking them from time to time to sign up on your list or to purchase some product that you recommend.  But you must build the audience first and build the relationship second.

Facebook for business getting started

  1.  The first thing that you will want to do is begin an all out campaign to get “likes” to your page.  You can do this with some simple engagement campaigns.  This will build your audience fast.  But you will pay an arm and a leg, if you target the wrong people.  That’s why you must know who is your ideal customer.  Initially, you can ask your existing friends or the current people that you have on your list to get you started.  Also, placing links on your homepage or blog to your fan pages will also help.
  2. Secondly, to make it even more cost effective for you to get likes, you will want to begin immediately posting “sharable” content.  Because content that is share is worth it’s weight in gold.  Because it will bring you organic and viral and FREE “likes” to your page and will totally augment your budget efforts to the point in which you will no longer need to run an ad to get a like.  Ask me how I know this?  And it is because I have personally grown our fan page for the Network for Women in Business to over 16,000 fans in less than 2 years primarily organically.  The page is growing on auto-pilot.  I no longer have control.  And I LOVE IT!!!  This is your ultimate goal.

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably fully aware of the benefits of using Facebook for business.  It does take a lot of time and some resources to make this happen.  I have just outlined a few of those steps but there is so much more.  And if you pick up the Ultimate Facebook Mastery Course, you can learn more about how you can use Facebook for business.

Using Facebook for business has brought me new business connections, a collaboration in 2 internationally best selling books, being featured on WPIX 11, new attendees to at my events, new sales, and new leads!  Need I say more?




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